Here is a python script that I use to backup my app datastore in a cron job on remote servers. It creates incremental backups of the GAE datastore zipped up with logs, and it'll mail you if the shit hits the fan. Its worked for me nicely so far. You'll have to go through it with a fine tooth comb as there is a lot of variables to tweak for your own uses.
BTW, You'll have you install the remote_api servlet in your app for this to work...
import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import zipfile import glob from zipfile import ZipFile import traceback import string import smtplib import StringIO # Folders FOLDER_ROOT = "/keep-everything-in-this-folder"; FOLDER_TEMP = FOLDER_ROOT + "/tmp"; FOLDER_BACKUPS = FOLDER_ROOT + "/backup"; FOLDER_GAE = FOLDER_ROOT + "/gaep"; SERVER_SMTP = "localhost"; # Other GAE_APPNAME = "your-gae-app-name"; GAE_URL_API = "/remote_api"; FOLDER_NAME_TEMP = "gaebak"; FILE_NAME_APPCFG = ""; FILE_NAME_INPUT = "input.txt"; FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE = time.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S") + ".zip"; ERROR_EMAIL = "your-email"; # max number of archives before deletion MAX_ARCHIVES = 50; # Arguments ARG_URL = "--url=http://" + GAE_APPNAME + "" + GAE_URL_API; ARG_APP = "--application=" + GAE_APPNAME; ARG_LOG = "--log_file=log-"; ARG_PASSIN = "--passin"; # Full Paths F_TEMP = os.path.join(FOLDER_TEMP, FOLDER_NAME_TEMP); F_APPCFG = os.path.join(FOLDER_GAE, FILE_NAME_APPCFG); F_BACKUP = os.path.join(FOLDER_BACKUPS, GAE_APPNAME); F_ARCHIVE = os.path.join(F_BACKUP, FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE); F_INPUT = os.path.join(FOLDER_ROOT, FILE_NAME_INPUT); def removeTempFolder(): if os.path.exists(F_TEMP): shutil.rmtree(F_TEMP); return; def createTempFolder(): if os.path.exists(F_TEMP) is False: os.mkdir(F_TEMP); return; def createBackupFolder(): if os.path.exists(F_BACKUP) is False: os.mkdir(F_BACKUP); return; def call(type, extra): p =[sys.executable, F_APPCFG, ARG_PASSIN, ARG_URL, ARG_APP, extra, type], stdin=file(F_INPUT)); return; def init(): removeTempFolder(); createTempFolder(); createBackupFolder(); os.chdir(F_TEMP); return; def backup(): call("--filename=db.dump", "download_data"); return; def archiveBackup(): zip = zipfile.ZipFile(F_ARCHIVE, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED); for name in glob.glob1(F_TEMP, "*"): zip.write(os.path.join(F_TEMP, name), name); zip.close(); return; def pruneArchives(): files = glob.glob1(F_BACKUP, "*.zip"); files.sort(reverse=True); num = len(files); for i in range(MAX_ARCHIVES, num): os.remove(os.path.join(F_BACKUP, files[i])); return; def sendMail(trace): emailFrom = ERROR_EMAIL; emailTo = [ ERROR_EMAIL ]; emailSubject = "[GAE Backup] ERROR occurred while running backup script: (" + F_ARCHIVE + ")"; emailBody = trace; body = string.join(("From: %s" % emailFrom, "To: %s" % emailTo, "Subject: %s" % emailSubject, "", emailBody), "\r\n"); server = smtplib.SMTP(SERVER_SMTP); server.sendmail(emailFrom, emailTo, body); server.quit(); return; # Execute try: init(); backup(); archiveBackup(); pruneArchives(); except Exception: sendMail(traceback.format_exc()); traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout);
You'll also see 'input.txt' mentioned up at the top there. That is a file which stores your user/pass for authorization. Its simple and it looks like this: mygmailpasswordonthe2ndline
Sorry all, probably not the most elegant of technical blog posts, but hopefully it'll come in handy for someone else. As far as I know this is compatible with Linux, but not tried on any other OS.